The average house price on WHITE LAITHE GARTH is £222,644
The most expensive house in the street is 22 WHITE LAITHE GARTH with an estimated value of £309,662
The cheapest house in the street is 18 WHITE LAITHE GARTH with an estimated value of £177,988
The house which was most recently sold was 12 WHITE LAITHE GARTH, this sold on 3 May 2019 for £152,500
The postcode for WHITE LAITHE GARTH is LS14 2EJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WHITE LAITHE GARTH Semi-Detached , 81 m2 £198,214 £125,000 21 Mar 2014
8 WHITE LAITHE GARTH Semi-Detached £237,450 £125,000 3 Dec 2004
12 WHITE LAITHE GARTH Semi-Detached , 85 m2 £189,906 £152,500 3 May 2019
18 WHITE LAITHE GARTH Semi-Detached , 81 m2 £177,988 £140,000 27 Oct 2017
22 WHITE LAITHE GARTH Detached £309,662 £195,000 6 Jul 2007